I realized I’ve been seriously neglecting my blog but it’s only because I’ve been busy creating another human! It’s hard to believe we just surpassed the month mark with this little guy. As I write this, he is curled up on my chest napping and snoring away (it must run in the family…) and I’m finally sitting down to share my birth story and how things are going 5 weeks in to raising two(!) boys.
Inheriting his punctuality from his parents, Baby Max began his journey into the world on his due date of March 11th, and officially arrived at 1:49am the next day at 8lb 15oz and 22.5 inches long!
When my early labor began in the afternoon, we headed to the hospital at the advice of our doctor - only to be told it was too soon to be admitted, but that we shouldn’t go all the way back home. Believe it or not, there are very few places in Midtown Manhattan where one would feel comfortable laboring, so my husband and I checked into a hotel (now referred to as our “baby-moon”) where we dined on deli sandwiches and watched “The Voice” from the comfort of a hotel bed.
Not even 2 hours later, we were in a cab back to the hospital with contractions that were less than 2 minutes apart. After going from 4 to 10cm in 30 minutes, Max made a fast and furious entrance and was out in 5 pushes!
While labor and delivery was shorter and way more intense this time around, I felt stronger, more knowledgeable and more physically prepared to get through it. I credit my professional training and my physical training done both on my own and at the amazing pre/postnatal fitness studio called FPC (Fit Pregnancy Club) opened by my good friend Joanie Johnson in Soho, NYC.
We are all home, recovering well and adjusting to life as a family of 4. Charlie has been an amazing big brother so far (despite us having to say “gentle please!” a billion times a day!) and I know they will eventually be best of friends. We are stumbling through our days but celebrating the small victories (like both napping at once!) and soaking up every second :)
Baby Max is trying to smile and pretend he’s not totally terrified of his big brother!